Api El Sof
The Land of Milk and Honey Mystery School
Kundalini Path of the Honey Bee
Esoteric School and Land Preservation Project
A honey bee Mystery School Course
Online pre-recorded
Receive access to over 10 hours of educational videos
Rituals and practices cultivating natural states of living in Sophia's garden and shamanic dreaming
Sexual healing and sensually awakening practices
Education on playing your role on assisting saving the honey bees
"When the rose blooms, the bees will come."
-Rosicrucian Proverb

About Zefirah's connection to the bees....
The bees first started entering my spiritual awareness 9 years ago. I remember the first bee priestess I ever met invoking a deep and mysterious feeling within my heart. It felt like home, yet felt so far away at that time; like a distant memory I could not quit remember. I saw her and thought, she is a true angel, so pure is she who loves the bees. It felt un-reachable until I received shakti-pot (the full rising of kundalini) several months later.
During the intense kundalini transfer, I remembered other lives, and my multi dimensional self. Waves of memory and self realization began to rush into my awareness. Contact with other beings began to occur on a regular basis, and my life was forever changed.
I had a peak experience that lasted two years until the integration process began anchoring my consciousness more deeply into my body. In this process I injured my spine which caused a chronic health process that went on and off for years. My body was acting as a map to the healing of my ancestry and my feminine essence on this planet and in the cosmos.
And then the bees came, they arrived in the midst of intense kundalini initiations that were physically killing and resurrecting my physical body. They came and they revealed their hidden mystery school in the depth of "Sophia" and the fabric of creation. I walked in their eternal garden and met the great mother in full lucidity.
And now after 4 years of physically working with the hives I tend, they have invited me to share these teachings from my own personal experiences and initiations of the "apis" beings I am honored to call my allies and teachers.
I am a humble and eternal student to this path, and look forward to sharing this process remembrance with all of you.
Below you can watch a video where I share more detailed experiences with the bees.
What you will receive in this course
Education of the hive and the api being
Symbology of bees within the mystery school
Lucid dreaming with the bees
Rose lineage connection
Tending to the hive
Esoteric wisdom of the bees connection to our own bodies and spirit
how to be of service to the bees in reflection to the whole
Ancient and new ceremonial practices in the land of milk and honey

Online Course
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