Oracles of Sophia
Exploring the lineages of the oracles via ancient herstory, subconscious mapping, and visionary states, deepening into the inner mystery school of feminine divinity.
Oracles of Sophia online Course
This online course is pre-recorded and designed for you to engage with it on your time
Azura intensive with Zefirah Seraphina
A deep dive into:
- The ancient lineage of the oracles and the reclamation journey of restoring our oracular nature
-Nervous system regulation
-Somatic Release and body awareness
-Mastery of feminine circuitry and the mind
- preparing the womb, heart, and mind for the bridal chamber, the oracular arts of hieros gamos
- Sacred conception, preparing for "the expected ones", our children of a new era
- physically manifesting heaven on earth through architecture, career paths, partners, and community
- Tapping the oracles well, our source of power and love
- Awakening the inner kundalini chrism
- ancient herstory and the resurrection of the oracles, daughters of sophia
- True Sexual awakening and illumination in relation to purity in its power
- Deeper lucidity within this reality
- bringing deeper sight into the subconscious mind and over-soul via quantum hypnosis
- the art of remembering: awakening to deeper sovereignty from within the corrupted matrix, calling yourself home
- The systems of the mystery school of the tree of life and the Sophia-Elion systems of creation
- integration and nervous system regulation
- dream practices
- A deeper exploration of myth, story, and symbology of the mystery school
- un-coiling compressed DNA from ancestral and personal trauma on a soul level, creating a deeper sense of safety and confidence within this reality
- reclaiming the wombgate of our bodies
- deep restoration of sacred sisterhood
- Learning how to bridge our oracular gifts in a way that is deeply valuable for business and financial magnetism

The oracular arts
As our society has embraced modernity, we have inadvertently diminished the significance of shamanism. spirituality, and the arts of the oracle temples, fostering a belief that these practices are less valuable than financial success or conventional measures of achievement. However, reclaiming our bodies and souls as oracles is one of the most profound and transformative actions we can take for ourselves, our careers, our loved ones, our relationships, our children, our lineages, our personal well-being, and for the collective consciousness as a whole. This reclamation is precisely what liberates us from the trap of the deceptive matrix systems designed to drain our energy and prevent us from engaging in deeper communion with our soul and spirit.
To be an oracle is to serve as a conduit between the realms of heaven and earth. It is to perceive with unclouded vision and unveil the divine feminine within. This entails awakening ancient wisdom and reclaiming one's true essence. As this process unfolds, the DNA unwinds from its compressed and trauma-induced patterns within the body. Scientists are investigating this phenomenon, observing that when individuals confront the root causes of trauma and cultivate embodied awareness, their DNA literally uncoils from its compressed state. This revelation extends beyond the personal sphere, as scientists have traced the effects of trauma through seven generations, influencing the DNA patterns within the body. The implications extend further, as there exists a quantum subconscious connection to past lives. I have personally witnessed miraculous transformations in myself and others as past life wounds are confronted and healed within the body.
As Oracles, we are entrusted with the sacred duty to illuminate the unseen realms and bring their truths into the tangible world. We are called to expose the deceptions and injustices that have long been concealed, guiding humanity towards a collective awakening. By fostering a collective remembrance of our true potential and embodied divinity, we reawaken ourselves and others to the boundless possibilities that lie within.
My Mythos in Relation to Awakening Inner Oracle
I underwent deep mystery school initiations into the oracular arts, catalyzed by a spinal injury that followed a full shakti pot kundalini awakening. For 8 years, I navigated the challenges of being handicapped, on-and-off while having out of body and near death experiences. The injury, coupled with dreams, kundalini surges, fasting, meditation, medicine journeys, hieros-gamos initiations, and divine guidance from higher-dimensional beings, served as an initiation into the depths of the oracular arts.
Despite the pain I endured, my frequent query of "why me?" was consistently answered with the same message: "Because, my daughter, you are reclaiming the deepest recesses of the feminine psyche and soul from the underworld of humanity. You are becoming an alchemist, piecing together the scattered fragments of the oracles, so they may resurrect and rebuild my temples upon this earth." This was the essence of Sophia's words during my darkest moments of confusion and anguish.
I rewired the process of initiation, transforming suffering into bliss, joy, and ecstasy. Many past lives were reclaimed into my body and conscious mind during this time. The intensity of this initiation was indescribable, and at times, I questioned whether I would emerge from its depths. However, I persevered, eventually reclaiming the final piece of the puzzle that would alleviate the spinal pain – I broke free from the pattern of self-sacrifice for the sake of the whole.
After years of much-needed integration, I am finally prepared to unveil the teachings imprinted into my being through the kundalini initiations with Sophia Christos.
During this initiation period, I experienced profound waves of bliss as my DNA was interwoven into the angelic realms. Transcending the veil via kundalini, I had out-of-body experiences in what I call "Sophia's Garden" – a paradise encompassing the core essence of Christ-Consciousness itself. Honeybees played an integral role in this resurrection process, facilitating my understanding of my true divine eternal nature and enabling me to reconcile with the mythos of the mystery school's fall and subsequent resurrection.
One might label my work as shamanism, but I identify more with the oracular arts, which is the lineage I am personally am resurrecting in my life. My divine mission is to unite women, ultimately reviving the ancient villages and temples.
To those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and souls brimming and over flowing with love.

The Structure of the Course
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience that shares a full spectrum of information in connection to spirit and the grounded embodiment of the oracular arts.
The Course is designed with 7 gateways of information
Each gateway is full of information, videos, practices, and additional content on each topic
I have designed this course so that you can realistically enter into whatever gateway you feel magnetized towards, at any given time. you are your own oracle.
The practices within the course will assist in deepening into your own subconscious while also connecting deeper with your body as a living temple of sophia. The work that I share in the world is based on the divine systems of the body and how to connect to ones most integral and authentic self, creating deeper peace in ones self and in the world.
The mystery school of sophia was a transmission that came through many years of initiation in connection to the great mother "Sophia". These teachings arose from within and were transmitted from the essence of Sophia within higher dimensional realms, and from the bees, the water, and gaia herself.
We are within a living breathing mystery school.
Each woman enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to pay for additional one on one sessions with me, or book a hypnosis with me to deepen/integrate the course if you feel called.
As part of the course, you will receive meditations, storytelling sessions, book recommendations, and invited assignments.

What women are saying
"Zefirah is such a potent voice in this time. Learning from her is such an honor. She speaks with such clarity and I have always felt that her channel is so immensely clear. She has a way of conveying deep esoteric knowledge into easy-to-digest tidbits through her powerful storytelling and playful communication. She is someone that I trust deeply, and I have yet to meet her in person. She is a woman of integrity, and what she has built is truly admirable. From her amazing online platform she has worked hard to nourish, to the garden + land that she tends, and the house she has built, she is a true architect doing God’s work to lift up the new earth. She has touched my life immensely and her teachings have not only broadened my reality, but they have also sparked a remembrance within my soul. Forever grateful for this human being and all that she does to serve the collective."
-Maria Coates
"Zefirah's courses and containers are inspiring spaces, filled with beauty and intuition that speaks directly to the inner well of your heart. The activations I received while being in circle with her and the rest of Oracle sisters were truly powerful. There was a resonance that wove us together in felt experiences and intuition even if its an online course you can feel the frequency of the love and unity consciousness pulsating through and anchoring codes in your body, mind and spirit. Deeply grateful that I decided to join her Oracle's of Sophia course. A deep remembrance of service, love and connection with Holy Mother Sophia and, through the teachings, I was able to deeply root how to align myself in service to Gaia and the beautiful New Earth we are building together in community."
-Mariela Orellana
"Zefirah is a sacred guide who is grounded in humility and integrity. She cares deeply for the evolution of all souls and you can sense the devotion to her inner spiritual alignment so that she can show up in an authentic and honest way for all her healings and wisdom teachings. The oracles of Sophia course was an infinite well of wisdom that opened many pathways of inspiration and profound healing in my life! Even months after the course I am in the depth of self-discovery that I don't feel I would have accessed without journeying through this course. She magnetized such a powerful group of oracle women and it was deeply nourishing being in sacred space with sisters, collectively sharing our hearts, visions and gifts for the New Earth. So grateful that Zefirah created this container and held this space so beautifully. I definitely look forward to working with her again."
-Ashley Seymour
"Zefirah is straight from the angelic realm and you can truly feel it in her presence and her words. Her wisdom is a holy gift and it was an honor to be in circle with her and be a witness to the ancient oracular knowing that poured through her. She offers the gifts of otherworldly knowing that is both powerful and deeply beautiful. This course awakens the feminine womb remembering that we are truly the daughters of Sophia."
-Ivy Challis
"Oracles of Sophia expanded my awareness of my connection to the living tapestry of life here on Gaia. Being in this course deepened my connection to ancient energies and awoken my womb to the womb-grid of Sophia. This course feels like a mytho-poetic tale that Sophia herself is speaking through Zefirah. I went through an unveiling process throughout each gateway from the gems of wisdom that were shared. Oracles of Sophia stripped me of societal conditioning that was clouding me from the truth of being an Oracle. I was able to meet very deep parts of my soul. The included meditations helped me bring energy to closed pathways that were dormant for lifetimes. The hypnosis brought me closer to the mystical and practical ways to move forward with my intentions on being a living temple for myself, my beloved and future babies. The collective of woman within the container were heart centered souls that brought me empowerment and strength to be my authentic self. You can feel the amount of presence and love Zefirah has for every single woman within the container. Being invited into Zefirah’s womb matrix was so activating and sparked so much of my own remembrance."
-Jenna Rose Sanchez
"This is the most beautiful, magical, profound, healing course I could ever imagine. Her guided meditations and teachings are for me like healing bath in divine waters, purifying my mind, body and soul. Thanks to Zefirah, I am deepening and improving relationship with myself and all life. Her devotion to creation reminds us who we truly are in essence and why we came here. Now I trust even more, that our dreams can become reality, because we are weaving them together with all the sisters. It is wonderful to feel, I am not alone. Zefirah is a true gem to humanity, deep inspiration and support on my path. I am so grateful for her and for this course."
-Karolina Metelcova

Cost of the exchange
This Course includes over 14 hours of content,
and is filled with so much timeless information about the oracles of sophia
This course is focused on assisting in regulating the nervous system, connecting to one's body in love, communing with the deep subconscious, and finding mastery within the feminine circuitry.
I have also included a lot of content on ancient herstory, wisdom of the honey bees, and water alchemy,
I am so delighted to be sharing this information with you all!
Please hold this sacred information in the truth of your hearts, and the purity from which it came through. it's potent sharing such vulnerable information with the world, and I ask that the content is held with respect.
Cost of Online Course
With all my love, I am deeply grateful for your support!
Zefirah Seraphina